Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our Life

We've been busy with life in general. Probably since about the early spring time, I've been trying to simplify our life and house. I will fill you in on what we've been up to since I last wrote. Let's see, where to begin....Maybe I'll just start from this week and back my way up!

Oh, this week started with real excitement! Anthony and I were drinking our hot coco (him) & coffee (me) on our deck, like we do most mornings, weather permitting. Well, little did we realize (even our giant Great Dane, Tasha) there was something slithering afoot. Literally, right underneath our feet. The 3 of us passed several times over it before even noticing it, but once I did, tears and fear immediately took over. Yes, tears.

In the track of our sliding back door, was a young snake! S-N-A-K-E. I didn't know what to do at first, slide the door back over it or get a shovel and obliterate it in the track of our door? Well, I went to close the door and the snake began to slither! I stopped and prayed that it would stop moving. Then I got the phone and called my husband to come home from work. Thankfully, he works very close to home and was home in record time. My hero, came in with Anthony's bug net and a shovel. Mark, my husband, was able to coax the little bugger into the net and then he took it outside, dumped him out of the net and then.....well, you know. Sorry, if you like snakes. I guess I like them too when they aren't trying to get into my house! We know we have snakes in our backyard. We just never see them. Actually, we have lived in our house for 9 years and we saw one black snake the first year we lived here who enjoyed sunning himself on our driveway. But then we never saw him again.

Our first concern, was it poisonous? As you can tell, we like to shoot first, and ask questions later. So, once he was dead, we turned him over to check out his markings and we (actually Mark and Anthony) took a much closer look at his eyes to see if they were round (non-poisonous) or "cat's" eyes (poisonous). Thankfully, they were round. The markings on this little guy looked like a copperhead, which wouldn't of been good news. Thankfully, he was a milksnake. Whew! I was still freaked out by it for the remainder of the day. We figured out he must of gotten in the previous evening when we used our screen door. Mark is pretty sure, he pushed his way underneath the screen at the one end and then slithered on over into the track of the sliding door. We didn't even notice him when we close up for the night. I am soooo thankful that he didn't cross on over into the house. Being in the track was basically in the house to me anyhow!

Let me add, my "original" lessons for school that day were put to the wayside and we studied snakes online. Do you know what cobra's eat? Eachother! I had no idea. We learned some very interesting facts about snakes that day. Anthony LOVED looking at pictures of different snakes online and is still talking about what the difference between a milksnake and a copperhead is.

Our home invader
Last week, Mark and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Sometimes we feel like it's been a decade and other days, we both agree, it doesn't seem like that long. Actually, Mark and I've been "together" for 14 years. We dated for 3 years and were engaged for 1 year, prior to our marriage. We were married the week of September 11th. So, with each passing wedding anniversary, we are reminded of September 11th and what a crazy and scary time it was. We celebrated this year with a quiet dinner at the Bavarian Inn. We also watched our wedding video, on VHS. Mark had to dig out the ole VCR. Anthony really enjoyed seeing everyone. Some, he didn't even recognize!

We've had so much rain here of late. A few weeks ago there was major flooding in the area. It was sad to see some of our favorite places, like Hershey Park, under water. After the rains stopped, we put on our rain boots and went outside to see what we could find. Anthony really enjoys bugs, lizards, slugs and such! We found dozens of slugs and a handful of snails, 2 salamanders and lots of spiders (yuck, on the last find!).

With each roll over of a log, there was something to discover. God's creation is amazing! The real joy is, it's in our backyard. It's a boy's paradise! Anthony was armed with his bug bucket and magnifying glass and away he went.

Before the rains came, we had some beautiful weather. Anthony and had some "natural" art classes outside. I have no artistic abilities what so ever, but we tried our hand at painting.

Another day, we practiced our shapes and drawing them out in the fresh air while on our beloved deck.

Anthony helped Daddy this summer work on our big project, our shed, or as Anthony likes to refer to it, "barn".

Last, but not least, we spent some time last month at the beach visiting Anthony's Grandparents and Great Grandparents. Unfortunately, Great Grandma Lucas passed away several days before we arrived. We did lots of visiting that week and lots of activities, all while remembering Grandma Lucas' life.

Here is Anthony with Great Grandpa Lucas and Grammy in the background.
Anthony LOVED pushing the wheel chair.
Anthony with Great Grandma Helen. Again, he loved wheeling her around.
Anthony with Grammy at the aquarium.
Grandpa playing with the horseshoe crab.
Anthony heading out to the waves.
So, this is what we've been up to over the past month or so. I am so thankful for family and all the special friends that God has blessed us with!

P.S. Speaking of wedding anniversaries, today is my parents 46th wedding anniversary! Happy wedding anniversary Dad and Mom and thanks for staying together and never giving up on eachother! What a great example you are to us!